Realistic"beacon"/Singalleuchte. For your models! providesno functionfora 5mm LED
WhetherSHIP |RCCAR |Trucks|TRUCK | EMERGENCY VEHICLESas THW|POLICE|FIREFIGHTER|RESCUE etc....the use ofanyboundaryareset! a warning light/Uselightetc!
measurements: Diameter: 10 mm Height: 17 mm Type:for verticalmounting Shape:square
Delivery:You will receive1 lightwithout lighting
Thisyou can populatewith5mm LEDsfrom beloworthenfinishedwith ourflashlights!
In conjunction with ourlighting set FLASH"flashing"you geta reallyrealistic lightingto yourmodels Ourflashlighting>><<
Installation is easy:
Drill a holeabout 7.2mm, foruseinthebasehole,an LED (5mm)orourflash illuminationis pushedfrom belowby simplywideningthe diameterbelow the baseandthelightis stuck!
Imagesmay varyBeispielbilder.Farben. The cars(coaches)are not offered here! Examplephotos....
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